Tree Care
Tree maintenance at construction area
Construction site is not a good environment for tree. Environmental changes (such as soil compaction, mechanical damage, air pollution, etc.) due to different construction activities can cause rapid deterioration of tree. Any tree damage or tree failure due to construction activities can result in severe penalty (over $100,000 per tree may be charged or compensatory planting is required). To avoid getting any penalty, proper tree care should be taken.
Common mistakes
Proper tree care
Tree care during constructions Pictorial Guide for Tree Maintenance
Tree Maintenance in urban area
Urban environment is not the most ideal environment for trees. Without proper tree maintenance, tree failure can be resulted. Proper tree care included species selection, pruning, supporting, regular maintenance, etc. According to the government recommendation, tree assessment should be conducted by certified arborist annually. Our certified arborist is always ready to help.
Species Selection
Different tree species have different tree structure and ultimate tree size. “Right tree in right place” should be carefully considered before planting to maximize the long term greening effect. Advices from certified arborist is valuable and important to make a good decision in greening effect.
Purpose | Requirement | Suggested trees or shrubs |
Planting under cover or footbridge |
Caryota maxima、 Dypsis lutescens、 Rhapis excelsa、 Schefflera arboricola |
Planting at open area for shading |
Ficus microcarpa、 Ficus benjamina、 Michelia x alba、 Pterocarpus indicus、 Cinnamomum camphora |
Planting in limited area |
Terminala mantaly、 Sterculia lanceolata、 Magnolia grandiflora、 Cinnamomum burmannii、 Elaeocarpus sp.、 Pongamia pinnata |
Planting for educational or ornamental purposes |
Attractive flower / fruit: Cassia fistula、 Sterculia lanceolata、 Jacaranda mimosifolia、 Koelreuteria bipinnata、 Crateva unilocularis Attractive leaves: Taxodium distichum、 Sapium sebiferum、 Liquidambar formosana |
Growth Environment
Trees have different needs and requirements of environment when compared to landscaping plants. Proper tree care is needed to maintain tree health.
Landscaping vegetation | Tree | |
Soil depth | Shallow | Deep soil is needed. Tree need sufficient underground space for anchorage. |
Irrigation | Frequent | Over irrigation may cause suffocation. Less frequent but more thorough watering is suggested. |
Fertilization | Needed | Over fertilization may cause root burnt. Slow-release fertilizer should be used if necessary. |
Mulching | No | Mulching with around 3.5 inches thick should be used to keep the soil humidity. |
Planting space | Can be densely planted | Spacing of at least 3-4 m is needed. |
Planting with other landscaping shrub or ground vegetation densely | Okay | Should be avoided as the densely planted landscaping ground vegetation may hinder the work of tree assessment and may facilitate decay and disease. Competition for the nutrient will also be resulted. |
Life span | Short and replacement is needed. | Long and able to reduce the long term greening cost. |
Keep Sufficient Space Clear of Vegetation at the Base of Trees Provide Adequate Growing Space for Future Growth of Canopy